Welcome to Classical Music's "category page" for the blog, Harrisburg "Arts Around Town." (You were expecting a bust of Beethoven?)
This is where you'll find promotional and informative posts related to the category - perhaps a "what's happening this week" post or something about a specific highlighted event; a blurb that would direct you to the event organization's website or blog - or give you details about, say, a "free-lance" recital being given by a classical musician not affiliated with any organization.
There's a link-list in the side-bar that would include links to all the related organizations involved in the HarrisburgArts blog like, among many others, the Harrisburg Symphony and Market Square Concerts (both organizations I have been involved in, by way of disclaimer), plus choral groups in town like the Susquehanna Chorale and so on, which perform regularly in Harrisburg and its suburbs.
Also included would be classical music presenters in the area from Gretna Music to a wide variety of church- or college-related concert series (which, frequently including various varieties of performances, would also be cross-referenced under other links as well as a more generic "Performance Venue & Presenters" page).
These "category sub-blogs" would also link you to an organization's blog (if one exists) - like the ones I maintain for the Harrisburg Symphony and for Market Square Concerts which at this point are primarily "audience enrichment posts" - as well as to an organization's website.
Anyway, it's a start. As they say, "Watch This Space!"
- Dick Strawser
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